I think I need to break up with Facebook. Things have been strained between us for quite some time. He's always changing and evolving, and while I realize we all change from time to time, his changes have been drastic. The last straw happened this week. I went to bed Tuesday night and everything seemed fine between us, but I awoke on Wednesday morning and I didn't recognize him anymore. When we started out together there were no lists, no subscriptions (I have no idea what that means and don't intend to find out). I wasn't constantly bombarded by ads for cupcakes, eye shadow, hooker shoes. It was just him, me and a few of my closest friends. Now he's recommending I friend people I've never heard of and seems I have nothing in common with. Who are all these people, and why would I want them to know what I'm making for dinner?
Facebook has caused a few problems in my life. I worry about hacking. At least once a week it happens to a friend. Will I be next? On more than one occasion I realized I was on the outside looking in as friends were getting together and I was not invited. I have realized I am a complete slacker because I don't run 20 miles every morning before I scrub the floors on my hands and knees and make a gourmet breakfast for my adoring family. I have come to realize that common sense isn't very common. I've also realized very few people seem to know when to use their, there or they're and your or you're. It bothers me. It shouldn't but it does.
Breaking up hard to do, and I don't know if I'm going to have the strength to do it. With every breakup there is collateral damage. People have to choose sides, and my friends will probably stay with Facebook. I don't blame them, Facebook has a lot to offer, he can sometimes be very exciting and there is a sense of belonging when you are with him. So I will leave my friends behind. There will be the inevitable twinge when I am with a group and they start talking about something they heard on Facebook and I will be tempted to go back to him. I know he would take me back, but if I should garner the strength to leave, I will leave for good. I can't move forward if I am looking behind.
Between you and me, I'm being courted by someone new, Google+ I think is his name. So far I haven't heard much about him and it will probably be the same thing all over again. No, I think I will go it alone for a while, scope out my options. I haven't told Facebook about my plans and I'm going to sleep on it for a couple days. Who knows, maybe he'll realize the change was too big, too soon and he'll take a step back. I don't think that is going to happen, but you never know.
If we are Facebook friends and you realize I am gone one day, don't be alarmed. I've just decided I've had enough. I've enjoyed hearing about your lives and living a little bit of it with you. I've enjoyed having someplace to vent. I'm going to keep doing my blog, so the venting will continue. I would love it if you would check on it from time to time and offer comments. I will still have email, so feel free to drop me a note, I promise I'll drop one right back at you. It's time Facebook and I had our own space. It isn't me, it's him.